The Village of Jane does not provide utility service to its residents. However, following is a list of those companies and organizations that do provide these services.
Electric Service: New Mac Electric Cooperative. PO Box 310, Neosho, MO 64850. OR 9 Mustang Lane, Anderson, MO. 64831. Phone (417) 451-1515 or (800) 322-3849. Web page;
Water and Sewer Service: Water Supply District PWSD #1. 785 E. State Highway 90, Jane, MO 64856. Phone: (417) 226-0360.
Phone and Internet Service: McDonald County Telephone Co. 704 Main St. Pineville, MO 64856. Phone: 223-4313. Jane is in the area scheduled for upgrade to fiber-optic cable in the future.
Garbage and Rubbish removal; consult yellow pages. Several companies provide local service.
Fire and Rescue Service: White Rock Fire Department. P.O. Box 7, 3129 Rains Road, Jane, MO 64856-0007. Phone: (417) 226-3804. Emergency 911. Fax (417) 226-4970. Note! The White Rock Volunteer Fire Department survives by Fire dues paid by its members;
Ambulance Service: Freeman Ambulance Service of McDonald County. 510 A Park St. Anderson, MO 64831. Phone (417) 845-1133. Emergency 911.
Police Service: McDonald County Sheriff’s Department. Phone (417) 223-4318. Emergency 911.