Shawn Cooper is the Director of Operations at Cooper Gear and Manufacturing and serves as the President of the McDonald County Chamber of Commerce.
Shawn believes the backbone of any economy is manufacturing and in order to manufacture you have to have highly skilled labor. At Cooper Gear our employees make a difference and Cooper Gear and Manufacturing registered apprenticeship program is ensuring that knowledge and skill are being passed on to the next generation.
In addition to running the daily operation at Cooper Gear and Manufacturing for the past 25 years, Shawn has served as the Chamber President for the past six years. Shawn believes a community with a strong chamber is a community that is going to prosper and McDonald County is prospering because of the work of the Chamber board and chamber members networking together to build a better McDonald County.
Shawn has his Master of Business Administration from Northwest Missouri University and Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Missouri Southern State University. In addition, Shawn is an Enrolled Agent and can represent clients before the IRS in matters of tax laws and disputes.
In 2007 Shawn was awarded the Orange County Florida, Mayor’s Hero Award of Honor for saving the life of a drowning victim and in 2016 Shawn was awarded the McDonald County Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year award.
Shawn believes that by working together we can make McDonald County the number one place in the state of Missouri to live, do business and raise a family.