Luap McKeever is the owner of Ozark Computer Works LLC, and co-owner of McKeever Mountain Farms LLC, which partners with several McDonald County businesses by providing local products which include organic fruit, produce, all natural jams, jellies, salsas, and raw honey to name a few.
A resident of McDonald County since the age of two, Luap is a graduate of McDonald County High School and six-year active-duty veteran of the United States Air Force. He is a graduate of the Community College of the Air Force and North American School of Conservation with degrees in Munitions Systems Specialties and Wildlife and Forestry Conservation, respectively.
In addition to running three businesses, he chairs the Chambers’ Economic Development Committee, serves on the McDonald County 911 Board, co-founder of McDonald County Happenings, member of the American Legion and American Legion Riders, Patriot Guard Riders, McDonald County Historical Society and is a member of several regional business alliances stretching from Kansas City to Fort Smith.
His passion is promoting existing businesses while soliciting new businesses into McDonald County which will benefit everyone by bringing in new jobs and boosting the revenue stream.
Luap and his wife LaSandra reside on their farm in the Mountain township. Together they help organize, host, sponsor and promote many exclusive McDonald County community events throughout the year. They have four children and eight grandchildren. When he’s not busy doing the things listed above, he enjoys hunting, fishing, riding motorcycles and ATV’s.